Thursday, December 17, 2009

Medical Marijuana Grow Tips - DO NOTS

Just as one must remember to consistently care for his/her crop, one must also take caution and remember the no no's of growing medical marijuana. Below are some tips one must remember to not do, in order to achieve a successful, quality crop.

Medical Marijuana Grow Tips

Producing a successful yield is a delicate process, and there are many steps involved in being a success. Below are tips that will help medical marijuana patients accomplish a successful crop.

Grow Tips - Interaction With Plants

It is of the utmost importance that you have physical interaction with ALL of your plants. So many times we are called out on an emergency such as a spider mite infestation and find that the plants have not had any interaction once seated in the bloom room. Preen your plants, trim off dying leaves, thoroughly check EVERY plant multiple times a week. If you do not, and you get an infestation, you will be very sorry. Infestations of gardens that have grown out of control are FAR worse than gardens that are under complete control.

Grow Tips - DO NOTS - Sulphur

DO NOT use a sulphur burner in bloom! As a matter of fact, do not use it EVER! There are far better, all natural and organic solutions available.

Grow Tips - Powdery Mildew

Before applying any type of powdery-mildew formula, please try the following method:

1. Go to OSH (Orchard Hardware Supply) and pick up a pint of green light rose defense.

2. Apply as directed and more liberally than you may think.

In conclusion, this is much more effective than any other spray on the market and 100% organic.

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